Mediji so nas popolnoma zaslepili. Ljudje smo prepričani, da mora mamica po rojstvu otroka izgledati identično kot pred rojstvom. Cediti bi se morala samo med in mleko in vse bi moralo biti popolno.

Žal ni tako, žensko telo se po rojstvu otroka spremeni in kar nekaj časa potrebuje, da se vrne v normalno stanje. Mamica je utrujena in se privaja na življenje z malčkom, zato nima popolnega make upa in urejene pričeske, ima pa zapolnjeno praznino v srcu, za katero pred rojstvom otroka sploh ni vedela, da obstaja.

PREBERITE TUDI: Tole lahko počnete v prostih dneh z otroci

Fotografije spodaj prikazujejo resnično lepoto žensk po rojstvu otroka, brez dodatnih olepšav. Neretuširane, a kljub temu najlepše!


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PREBERITE TUDI: Ideja za zimsko ustvarjanje: risanje po kamenčkih


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{Postpartum} “Living in the newborn haze of sleep deprivation, unmade beds, pjs all day, too much tv, millions of nappies and ?⠀ _ I’ve been so honest with you all through my pregnancy journey, and I wanted to continue to be honest after. I don’t want people to think I’ve just bounced back (?lol) or suddenly to hide myself away – why should I share photos of my big bump and be proud of it, then suddenly become ashamed as soon as the baby is out? ?‍♀️⠀ _ As a society, we are so conditioned to hide our postpartum bodies, to be ashamed of loose skin and stretch marks and saggy bellies and breasts. Theres so much pressure to bounce back, suck it in, cover it up… But the stupidest part is that most of us have it, to some degree or another!! ?‍♀️ _ So why the hell are we all hiding away – fear of judgement? We should be proud of our bodies that grew, nourished and birthed our precious babies, and continue to feed them once they’re out. ⠀ _ I would be lying if I said I loved the way my body looks now, but I’m ok with it. Carrying two very large babies, gaining and losing 33kg then gaining another 25kg and having 2 c cections (which by the way – I had no idea about the C-section tum until I got it ?) has left me with lots of loose skin, more stretch marks than I’d ever imagined and a bellybutton that is unrecognizable. _ But I’m not out to try and “get my body back”… why? Because it never bloody went anywhere!! It was here the whole time, growing humans – I’m pretty sure I should be giving it a damn break not punishing it when it’s done so much for me.?⠀ _ Plus, right now I just want to eat when I’m hungry (which is ALL the time) take it slow and enjoy this precious time, because it will be over in the blink of an eye!”??@sarahbaughen ⠀ Words and image credit: @sarahbaughen. #fourthtrimester #postpartum #momlife #instsmom #this_is_postpartum #motheringwithoutfear #love #loveyourdamnself #birthwithoutfear #inspirepregnancy #motherhood #celebrating_my_postpartum #takebackpostpartum ⠀

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